Friday, January 22, 2010

Single Seat Dune Buggy Plans

Long live Poland!

Finally he returned to Poland ! How nice! Will I see my grandparents and aunt! In addition to a host of relatives, it is clear ...
So all there too will enjoy my latest progress. Oh yes, because now a quiet peaceful way ALONE! The only
a little thing that worries me is the "cool " Polish climate. It's OK to have half of Polish blood at 20 ° C below zero many seem a little!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Playstation 3 40gb Region Free

Quality of life, only Naples is second last in Agrigento you live worse

Quality of life, only Naples is second last in Agrigento you live worse
NAPLES (19 December) - If Trieste is the province for 2009 is in first place in the traditional classification made by the Sole 24 Ore "Quality of life in the Italian provinces," Naples is one in which we live worse. Or rather, the list published by the newspaper, there is only Agrigento preceding Naples. Overthrows Aosta Trieste, with a leap of five places: behind Belluno, second in 2008, and third place Sondrio and a number of other provinces always well positioned in past editions of the research. At the bottom of the list this year for the first time made out of 107 provinces, is located in Agrigento, down six steps, preceded by the note from Naples and Caltanissetta.
bad, terrible, the chief towns of Campania: the city where life is better Benevento, but is ranked only 82nd place. Avellino fall in the ranking (93 th place), Salerno (95 °) and Caserta (103 °).

Sunday, January 3, 2010

How Make A Cake Minnie Mouse

Photogallery of my birthday!

And finally I can show you all pictures of my complete! And there's also Santa Claus!