Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ana Nicole Da Playboi

We're almost there!

now we are very close to the fateful date when we can embrace my sister ... Just over a month and I will have company in my room. I had already sensed something a few days ago when the father has mounted another bed .. We changed the layout a little bit of things in my room, but I found there are good for luck. Who knows how it will be when there will also be Cristina!
Meanwhile, today I went to the hairdresser but only for a trim here and there and un'aggiustatina the faction that began to cover my eyes. The mother will go Saturday instead because, he says, after you may not be on time! Yes, although it lacks a month to expected date, there is a big tummy which gives the idea that in fact miss a lot less time. Chicca The poor do not realize that what little peace which is still enjoying now, soon will vanish. This speech will also be true for the night!
Well, despite everything, all at home are counting the minutes that separate us from Christ!


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