Monday, December 21, 2009

Write Someone Having Baby

Bagnoli, fifteen years thrown

Bagnoli fifteen years later. The consolidation of the large industrial area near Naples was to be the symbol of the rebirth of Naples. Transform the pollutant into a steel pole of tourism, overlooking the Gulf and Capri. But the results are disappointing. The Court went on to consider the status of the transformation started in 1994: "For the remediation and recovery of the area have been spent, for Today, a total of € 77,243,278 (approximately 30% of total availability equal to € 259,358,195), nevertheless, work on the remediation of soils have not been completed, the bathing beaches has not been restored because the seabed marine and littoral are not yet fully cleared because of the exalted, and continuous source of pollution, which has not been removed.

What happened? "How was it possible that in fifteen years only one-third operation key to give a new future in Naples has materialized? The fault lies with the entire political class that alternates to the City, the Province, the Region, to the Government. Write accounting magistrates: "The responsibility for achieving results so little, is not attributable to lack of funds, which were bestowed on the contrary, but to all the institutional bodies involved, which are appalesati totally inadequate, either Party of competence for the tasks assigned to them and that in the course of more than a decade, have not been able to find solutions to problems that have occurred gradually, starting from an initial refusal determined by the unavailability of a landfill where the materials give to be reclaimed. "


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