Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Christian Phrases About Life

In 2001, according to Leitao his two year old son would start to complain about piaghette under a small lip, and alleged "bugs". The Leitao, a homemaker who had worked for several years as a laboratory technician, examined the microscope toy with the small wounds of the child, and claimed to have observed the presence of alleged "fiber" of various colors
The following Leitao took her son from eight different doctors, but that did not find any disease, allergy, or anything unusual in that the alleged symptoms Leitao declared to be present in the child.
A specialist university expert in complex pediatric cases, after visiting the child that did not find any real organic disease, he asked the doctor to refer the mother to a psychiatric evaluation and therapy
In Later, several other doctors evaluated the presence of a well-known and serious psychiatric illness in the mother syndrome de Mùncnhausen attorney (a brain disorder that leads mothers to declare or cause a physical injury to the child, to draw attention upon him).
In 2004, Leitao formed the Morgellons Research Foundation and from there became known as Morgellons Syndrome .
Some people who call themselves "sick of Morgellons", and various conspiracy theorists have made different interpretations of the alleged conspiracy pathology, without any scientific evidence to support their claims of those personal to them, the suspected disease would in turn caused by alleged and unspecified "chemical spills, or from an alleged" biological terrorism "or even by alleged alien abduction conspiracy as an example of reasoning, in a radio program called Coast to Coast (popular among those who believe in ghosts and UFOs) a doctor of New Mexico) said that to him a CIA agent told him that the disease was caused by the "French" an error in a government experiment , he said, would contaminate the water. Also on alleged and unspecified "chemical causes" would insist even supporters of the conspiracy theory called "chemtrails", which is also completely devoid of any objective evidence.


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