Tuesday, January 25, 2011

En 7.6 Tibia Illusion

as the first argument to be made on this blog I would like to talk about subliminal messages and talking on the fact that are depopulating everywhere, from movies and Disney cartoons depicting the Vodafone all Satanic symbols or racist incitement to sexual stimulation, especially in programs seen by children unconscious, but fortunately most of these messages can be seen only in slow motion.
Let's start with the Disney movies that show scenes images not suitable for children. Here are some pictures:
In this picture you can see clearly the image of a party is not over and genital

in these three pictures while ensuring that we see clearly written in the sky, in the initial page of the facebook written sex.

This photo was made famous image of the crucified naked woman at the window but it is known only by seeing the video in slow motion.

The last but about the little mermaid and the prince is getting married you can see the image of the priest with his penis in an upright position

but in truth it is assumed that the garment is folded the letter because it follows the movements of the priest
Given the subliminal messages of Disney pass messages one of which involves Satanists and Vodafone.
Here's a photo:
as you can see the symbol of Vodafone appears 3 times and looks like a 6, which would mean the beast and did not end here because Vodafone is also linked to the Ku Klux Klan KKK in acronym) is the name used by many U.S. organizations , mold often terrorist. a racist and advocating the superiority of the white race. Historically there are three stages of movement: the first from 1865 to 1874 as the brotherhood of former soldiers of the army of the Confederate States of America, a second from 1915 to 1944, when the movement took on the character we now consider typical, and a third in the postwar period to today
this is a symbol of the KKK and represents the symbol of Vodafone.

We all know that the bar code actually shows a message according to some subliminal satanic.
the 2-line initial, final and suggest a six central being equal in the same shape and thickness and height then made "666"

And now we move on to advertising, we start with Camel cigarettes.

these 2 pictures that are on the pack of Camels contain subliminal messages 2 1 for each photo, 1 Sexual Enhancement with a man with the penis in an upright position and the second another man sitting on the toilet

Now to make a very famous: The A-STYLE
here's the true meaning of the letter A
Now look at these three pictures where you see images in the style that represents the famous Masonic Masonic pyramid that was an order that seeks to improve the initiation of individual After replacing the word with individual man or humanity, bringing the purpose of Freemasonry in a social and collective in general, rather than purely individual.

Simpson in this photo of two dolls are clearly seen wearing a hat shaped like a pyramid masonic

and here you see the symbol of the square and the compass of Freemasonry which I have mentioned in previous photos

And this shows the Masonic symbol featured in the top of the pyramid

Last but not least here's Pareidolia.
The pareidolia from the greek είδωλον = image with the prefix; subconscious is the illusion of giving form to objects and known patterns form randomly.
short in ability to see something (smoking, rocks, trees, clouds, etc..) And see

We talked this subject at school and I wanted to make a blog where I put things like these.
I am a 13 year old boy commented to let me know if your opinion is fine, but not to mock or criticize.
Thanks and the next "article"


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