Thursday, January 18, 2007

Sore Throat Treatment For Ball Pythons

The dignified death of Madeleine Z. ¿De

A woman of 69 years suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, of French origin but resident in Spain for years, has voluntarily ended its life on January 12, before the disease paralyzed her completely. The government is accused of failing to fulfill his campaign promises regarding euthanasia.

Madeleine had made public its decision some time, with the intention to re-raise the debate on assisted suicide, to foster a "culture change".
why he had decided to "make a party," farewell, but had changed my mind: "You can not explain it to anyone, people do not understand. The death is mine, mine. "
"I will not stop living, this is not life," he told the press to explain his decision.

For Spain it is a new case Sampedro.
Ramón Sampedro, a quadriplegic since he was 25 years old, 55 year-old committed suicide in 1998 after a futile legal battle to obtain medical assistance and recognition for its decision. The case was brought to the screen in beautiful film Mar adentro Alejandro Amenábar, 2005 Oscar as best foreign film, beautifully played by Javier Bardem. The story exacerbation

a political controversy between the Zapatero government and political parties that support him in Parliament.

The PSOE's electoral program reported: "Euthanasia. We will promote a commission in the Chamber of Deputies to discuss allowing the right to euthanasia and death with dignity, aspects relating to its decriminalization and the right to receive palliative care. " Three years after the commission does not exist and Izquierda Unida and Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya have repeatedly urged the government to vararla.

For socialists, however, the theme does not have sufficient social support to be treated. Despite public opinion surveys to register as a majority ranging from 65 to 75% is in favor of "death with dignity" and is deemed necessary by its regulations.
Zapatero, of course, does not intend to now open a new front with the English church and preclude the support of the Catholic nationalist Catalan Convergencia i Unio.

"I'm in a cloud, but happy ... Really, I'm leaving little time. I'm very well. "
These were the last words of Madeleine Z., reported by the volunteers of the Association for the Right to a dignified death that were close to the end.

[Photo taken from El País ]


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