Thursday, January 25, 2007

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Zapatero. El Mundo

From 26 January bookstores Zapatero. A gentle socialism, Ettore Siniscalchi (the author of this blog), foreword by Walter Veltroni, published by manifestolibri , pp. 272, € 22.00.

The book tells the story of the recent English political attempt to insert them in the context to which they belong, return them to the context, history, influencing them.

In Italy there is curiosity about the experience and attention to English, but the public is not helped by information, not politics.
The media, in pursuit of the "phenomenon Zapatero" news report many, many more than before, but disconnected from their background. Not helping to figure out which way to have the English company.
policy lags, using the events in Spain for instrumental reasons the internal political debate.

is determined, then, a curious phenomenon: that of "Zapatero" and "antizapateristi. In which the political experience to act is reduced to a premise, or rather two opposite premise: "We must do as Zapatero!" Or "We do not do as Zapatero."

This book, therefore, addresses some important issues for English society and explores the events that had great resonance, and without discussion. But it also be attempting to provide tools that allow the reader to form their own idea about what's happening in Spain today. An attempt is also a possibility to move fast-paced information and more take a breath, from which things look better.

Below anticipation from the preface by Walter Veltroni.

The radical nature of Zapatero in the principles, deep sense of ethics that animates the specific policy and governance, the stubborn quest to be consistent with the commitments taken before the voters and not to disappoint their expectations, "maintain word, do what you say and say what you will. " Zapatero is not a dogmatic, it is far from any kind of ideological orthodoxy and end, likes to quote John Rawls and Norberto Bobbio, has a pronounced tendency in comparison. One of the keys of his government is just the "talante", namely the availability to others and dialogue, the absence of any presumption that they have the truth, the ability to listen to then seek a synthesis of different interests, and this without anything being taken away to the determination with which they are carried on the basic choices in the economic and social, or perhaps I should say social and economic, given the central role assigned to civil society, rights, the idea of \u200b\u200ba democracy you could say participatory and "full."
are choices, including Zapatero, motivated by a vision that unites reformism and radicalism, it is true that his "socialism of the citizens" is based on ideals of the great themes married, as he writes the same Siniscalchi, with 'the acceptance of the liberal economy, globalization, the emphasis on individual rights rather than collective or class. " His reforms are here, and here are many of the results achieved in recent years, the green light given to the European Constitution decisively blocked by Aznar choices very advanced social policy to protect the weaker sectors of the English population, the decision to form a government with a female component of fifty percent to legislative response to the problem of domestic violence against women, to the important steps taken regarding a sensitive issue as the Catalan Statute and even more in the struggle to disarm the Basque terrorism.


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