Monday, November 8, 2010

Installing Shower Riser

Region, six million for the differentiated

arrive € 150,000 for the collection. Naples, however, is not among the beneficiaries. The Department of Environment of the Region dismissed the figure, fishing between 2000/2006 and transferring funds Por the new programming, the 2007/2013. Will be used primarily to stimulate the levy with the system of door to door and to achieve ecological islands. The amounts are related to a deposit of 30% and go to the municipalities who had participated in the tender launched in 2008. In particular, € 107,600 Amelia 12,500 in Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi, nell'avellinese; 30,000 to various areas of the province of Salerno. Including: Albany (17,000), San Mango Pimonte (7400), Moia of Civitella (5800). In two weeks the municipalities that responded to the invitation to two years ago they received six and a half million. Naples, it was said, not access to finance, despite having also attended the announcement in 2008. "The fact is," says Regional Councillor John Romano, "that the city has asked a particularly challenging funding, amounting to six million euro. Behalf to recover the money by the end of the year, for reassignment to Naples and to fund the extension of the curbside collection. I recently spoke with the commissioner of Urban Hygiene Palazzo San Giacomo, Paolo Giacomelli. The regional contribution should be used to achieve ecological islands from Naples to buy the collection trucks and bins needed moisture, glass and paper at home. It will not be 'used instead for the construction of the composting plant planned but not yet realized, via New breaches. A structure is essential to making the moist compost and fertilizer. Currently Naples sent the wet fraction that differs very little, outside the region, at a cost of € 200 per tonne. The composting plant, according to the plan of municipal waste, is intended to run for two years. According to Romano, one option could be put to tender the construction of the mechanism of project financing. In Campania, currently the only major city Salerno has created its plant for composting. 'Funded by 25 million, "says Romano," should be operational in a few weeks. To complete the structure required to Eboli you are trying to recover the tranche of funding shortfall, amounting to € 1,800,000.
San Tammaro already exists, it should be restructured and should be ready by spring. A Sardone, in the province of Salerno, the complex was finally mounted by composting 22,000 tons purchased by the Commissioner to waste eight years ago. Matter of weeks and will be in operation. " If differential pressure and composting point the way to turn the page, this is still difficult. Yesterday still incidents and tensions in the suburbs of Giugliano, ecoballe before the site of King's Tavern, where for two weeks, the truck carrying a portion of the waste collected in Naples. Were already stockpiled about 6000 tons of garbage. In the last 24 hours are 50 trucks entered the site. Lucia De Cicco, pasionaria of the protest, which is already three years ago it was on fire, calling for the closure of the site, it was lying under one of the auto-compacting to lock it. It 'been pulled away after a few minutes. The mayors of Villa Literno and wall, wearing the tricolor flag, tried to prevent the entry methods.

November 7, 2010 (Fabrizio Geremicca by the Corriere del Mezzogiorno)


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