Monday, November 8, 2010

Removing Tripod For Camera

Bags work, financed 1100 SMEs

internship to young unemployed people: the Palace of Saint Lucia screening applications to the 1800 aid program of the Region. Within 15 days of the final list

are 1,100, so far, about 1,810 accepted, firms certainly benefited from the scholarships funded by the Region and work aimed at graduates who can perform an internship of one year. The total cost finance, for each fellow, is set at € 5,600 per year for graduates, 6,800 for graduates. Within 15 days, they know Palace Saint Lucia, the list will be available complete.
should be noted that the funded program is the internship for the first time window of the aid program launched by the region last year. For the second time window, which is funded with € 10 million, (the investigation has been completed) it was not until next January when they relaxed the restrictions of the Stability Pact. Also from next year it will be possible to instruct the third time window is so far stuck to the pole because of cost constraints imposed by the pact. The host company is required only to accident prevention and insurance policy for third party liability. To the actuators of work-experience, that not later than one month after the training period to take on permanent contracts is recognized as a one-off up to a maximum of 12 000 euro.L 'aid is conditional on the organic business trattanimento in the new employee for at least two years. The incentive is equal to 50 percent of wage costs in the first year of work within the ceiling of 12 000 € with cuts to that sum in proportion to hours worked for other types of contracts. The measure is intended to be harmonized with the new recruitment incentives provided by tax credit for employment

The three time windows • The time window (11-29 January 2010): The employment grants are being awarded. The roof is DI12 million €. In racing, there are 1,810 SMEs. Certainly companies enter 1100
• The time window (5 April-14 maggio2010): The prize of € 10 million. The investigation is already completed. The benefits will be awarded at the end of the survey on the spending against the constraints of the Stability Pact, which from next January
• Window III (expected 5 to 30 July 2010): the process is blocked. There are 10 million.

no. 210 - pag. 43

ETTORE Mautone / 06/11/2010


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