Monday, November 8, 2010

Väska Makeupartist

job. Race to the bonus for recruitment

Bilingual facilitation for companies that hire workers, at least 50 years of age, entitled to unemployment benefit with normal requirements and non-agricultural workers on the move, with 35 years of contributory pensions: will pay social security contributions in an amount equal to 10% and / or the economic incentive (for 2010) is that it is equal to the worker, the number of monthly treatment of income support are not provided .

The green light comes from publication in the "Official Gazette" of two decrees 253/2010 Ministry of Labour which are governed the contribution relief introduced by the Financial 2010 (Law 191/09) and aimed at the reuse of certain categories of workers.
The regulation of the benefits - limited to only 2010 - but comes at the end of the year.

If a standard, introducing a new type of preferential hiring, transfers to a ministerial decree on the regulation, it is reasonable to assume that the operators - at least in the vast majority - wait, before you use, the adoption of implementing rules.
It can be assumed that this is exactly what happened on this occasion.
Publication ordinances now gives the green light to hiring (although it was still awaiting instructions INPS) but limiting the effects of the current year, so employers there are only two months of benefits.

The benefits relate to the recruitment of over 50 as well as recipients of some form of unemployment and workers on the move, with 35 years of contributions.
The facilities are to pay employment taxes in an amount equal to 10% and / or an economic incentive that it is equal to the worker, the number of monthly treatment of income support are not provided. Positive the intent extend the measures to support the relocation of those who have lost their jobs, but in this case, the estimates are addressed - in large part - to individuals who may already be recipients of other incentives.

The fact remains that the provisions whose effects will be exhausted on December 31 came into force in October. Erve a comprehensive review of existing incentives to avoid duplication, encourage a more rational use of resources and action stronger measures for the relocation of persons leaving the production cycle.
This requirement seems to be shared by related work in the legislature that provided for a delegation to the executive - To be exercised within 24 months after entry into force of related - the reorganization of a series of regulations, including also the matter of incentives for employment.

11/08/2010 Awarded the new posts of 2010 benefits until December 31.
Giuseppe Maccarone and Anthony Cannioto


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