Sunday, March 13, 2011

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And 'the born my sister Cristina!!

Siiiii! E 'born Cristina! I've waited so long but finally here it is! It 'been a busy night, the mother heard something already about four to two, but has even got up to go down by Chicca. Around six, my father woke up urgently and soon went to the hospital. The birth was quick but not painless. But at 08:35 the mother has done it and the result was excellent: the Cri weighs kg. 3.370 and is 50 cm long. Almost like me! Still I could not give her a pelvis because I had a little cough so I'll have to wait until yesterday. But I can not wait !!!!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

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Absurd stories about aliens and crop circles abductions

The other day around watching the TV channel where they were Mystery, a well-known television series.
The topic attracted me immediately as it was about alien abductions, and 2 girls describing their experiences.
After watching a good deal I was already thinking about how much fancy there was in their stories.
The first to speak was the most outrageous, we point out that in the company of these 2 girls Cecchi Paone was a journalist, but good enough to discover the fake.
The first girl claims to have been abducted by aliens and taken on a spaceship through a beam transport, these aliens were both good and bad, she saw the bad energy in the form of declaring that they were vegetarian but without a body of flesh and bones, while the good ones were like us but with the skull crushed with a slightly greater physicality.
claiming to be landed on a star rubs alone because as we all know is IMPOSSIBLE land on a star.
Cecchi Paone obviously not deceived us, but even this recommendation because "FANTASTIC " is not at all to the surface and then we believe everything that has happened to this girl fruit of an imagination vivid.
The other girl had a story more believable, but very difficult to imaginary real.
This girl said she had been abducted by aliens as a girl with a radius first conveyor and said that these gray aliens, tall, thin and with the skull slightly larger than they did the experiments and special equipment for chip communication.
He also said that these aliens spoke to him with a strange language but she could not understand with this chip that had been implanted in the skull.
and told him that we were a little race evolved, and that sooner or later we would have subjected them I could not stop myself laughing.
He added that even in the night did the experiments and tortured because the night he woke up with scars, cuts, blood, etc.. However
after they claimed to have invented everything, that none of these things had never happened, we had no doubt about this.
the end no one has a concrete evidence that aliens have come here on earth but one thing is certain: THERE !!!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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: EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL Or just a girl?

By now the crop circles are known around the world as crop circles or agrolifi but still can not tell if girls are some individuals who would have us believe about the existence (more that obvious) or if the alien is a phenomenon that is extra-terrestrial alien hand.
Before talking about crop circles begin to investigate data on the "alien".
It is still discussing and investigating the fact of the existence of extra-terrestrials, but obviously if it is almost certain that aliens exist, but there is still no proof that we have been in contact with us because land is not possible that in a great and infinite universe like ours we are the only race alive.
Many people have appeared on television as contacted by these creatures, even said they were abducted and subjected her actions or experiments, but obviously would need a good psychologist!
Many have tried to describe aliens, and something they have in common to all these descriptions, namely: the skull crushed up, 2 eyes slightly larger than ours, and even gray.
Many videos show luminous spheres appear in many fields of wheat and passing on the same field make these crop circles.
They're still doing a lot of studies on this but have not yet given a definite answer.
The establishment of large text or graphics in the wheat fields has also been used by some companies for advertising purposes and then some individuals would also have had the great idea to copy and then circulate these circles and the possibility that they were made by aliens.
Some have even tried to create these circles using a table simply pressing the wood grain in a particular way and the result came out perfect circles like those you see every day wing television.
But we keep talking about the aliens that are no less important, these aliens would have also been spotted in their vehicles known as flying saucers hips depicted in paintings in the age where you see the AC represented unidentified flying objects possibly exchangeable commonplace clouds.
These UFOs are sighted in the evening and night in the sky, some are exchangeable for other aircraft or buildings but could also be alien spaceships.
It is also believed that these aliens are locked in for this famossissima 51.
Area 51 consists of a vast military zone (the Nellis Air Force Base ) Operations 26,000 km 2 , Rachel located near the village of about 150 km north-west of Las Vegas, in the south of U.S. state of Nevada where it is said to be contained extra-terrestrial creatures have been made and where important and top secret experiments on these creatures, but of course these are just rumors no one knows for sure if this is true or not.
Returning to the initial speech, many have seen these flying saucers, aliens, floating spheres that create crop circles but many of these sightings have been denied with accurate techniques.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ana Nicole Da Playboi

We're almost there!

now we are very close to the fateful date when we can embrace my sister ... Just over a month and I will have company in my room. I had already sensed something a few days ago when the father has mounted another bed .. We changed the layout a little bit of things in my room, but I found there are good for luck. Who knows how it will be when there will also be Cristina!
Meanwhile, today I went to the hairdresser but only for a trim here and there and un'aggiustatina the faction that began to cover my eyes. The mother will go Saturday instead because, he says, after you may not be on time! Yes, although it lacks a month to expected date, there is a big tummy which gives the idea that in fact miss a lot less time. Chicca The poor do not realize that what little peace which is still enjoying now, soon will vanish. This speech will also be true for the night!
Well, despite everything, all at home are counting the minutes that separate us from Christ!

Monday, January 31, 2011

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Azzurrina The legend was passed down orally for three centuries, presumably coming from time to time distorted, enlarged, embellished. Only a priest of the area in '600 put it in writing along with other legends and folk tales of the lower Val Marecchia.
Gwendolyn was albino. The popular superstition of the time linked with albinism magical events which if not diabolical. This is why the father had decided to make always escorted by a couple of guards and did not ever leave the house to protect it from hearsay and prejudice people.
Her mother dyed her hair repeatedly with pigments, vegetable extremely volatile. These, thanks to the inability of albino hair to hold the pigment, the girl had given her eyes as blue as reflections that originated the nickname Azzurrina .
Legend has it that on June 21, 1375, the day of the summer solstice, Azzurrina played in the castle of Montebello with a ball of rags while a storm raged outside. It was guarded by two armed men named Dominic and Roger. According to the report of the guards chased the little girl drop the ball in the icebox underground. Having heard a scream guards rushed into the room coming from the only entrance, but found no trace of the child. His body was never found.
Legend has it that the ghost of the girl has been trapped in the castle and returns to be heard around the summer solstice every year to shine.
These facts listed below are events in which it was made to feel blue
  • 1990 - Thunder. Crying infant hiccups. 16 shots.
  • 1995 - Thunder. Crying infant hiccups.
  • 2000 - begins and ends with the passage of a plane that was circulating at that time above the castle. Crying infant hiccups. Child's voice seems to pronounce the word "mother".
  • 2003 - A short scream.
  • 2005 - indistinct noises after which you can guess the name "Alosa" (or Luigi, from the Latin Aloysius ). Overlapping voices rising tone: a chorus-like mass, which seems to repeat the name "Belial", better known as a demon.
June 21, 2010 The new recordings were made on 13 January 2011 are reported and made public by the television program Mystery. "Listening to these audio files, you can hear a heartbeat and then a prolonged agonizing scream that ends with a bang. Dr. Gullà University of Bologna said that probably in these recordings have been able to capture the death of Azzurrina.
In 2010, the infrared cameras placed inside the castle saw two frames rather unusual. The first is a ball of light coming out of the ground at the point in which the child had disappeared and seems to represent the ball with which Azzurrina played on the day of his death. The second, fired at the castle, seems to represent the spectrum of a knight in armor.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Christian Phrases About Life

In 2001, according to Leitao his two year old son would start to complain about piaghette under a small lip, and alleged "bugs". The Leitao, a homemaker who had worked for several years as a laboratory technician, examined the microscope toy with the small wounds of the child, and claimed to have observed the presence of alleged "fiber" of various colors
The following Leitao took her son from eight different doctors, but that did not find any disease, allergy, or anything unusual in that the alleged symptoms Leitao declared to be present in the child.
A specialist university expert in complex pediatric cases, after visiting the child that did not find any real organic disease, he asked the doctor to refer the mother to a psychiatric evaluation and therapy
In Later, several other doctors evaluated the presence of a well-known and serious psychiatric illness in the mother syndrome de Mùncnhausen attorney (a brain disorder that leads mothers to declare or cause a physical injury to the child, to draw attention upon him).
In 2004, Leitao formed the Morgellons Research Foundation and from there became known as Morgellons Syndrome .
Some people who call themselves "sick of Morgellons", and various conspiracy theorists have made different interpretations of the alleged conspiracy pathology, without any scientific evidence to support their claims of those personal to them, the suspected disease would in turn caused by alleged and unspecified "chemical spills, or from an alleged" biological terrorism "or even by alleged alien abduction conspiracy as an example of reasoning, in a radio program called Coast to Coast (popular among those who believe in ghosts and UFOs) a doctor of New Mexico) said that to him a CIA agent told him that the disease was caused by the "French" an error in a government experiment , he said, would contaminate the water. Also on alleged and unspecified "chemical causes" would insist even supporters of the conspiracy theory called "chemtrails", which is also completely devoid of any objective evidence.

En 7.6 Tibia Illusion

as the first argument to be made on this blog I would like to talk about subliminal messages and talking on the fact that are depopulating everywhere, from movies and Disney cartoons depicting the Vodafone all Satanic symbols or racist incitement to sexual stimulation, especially in programs seen by children unconscious, but fortunately most of these messages can be seen only in slow motion.
Let's start with the Disney movies that show scenes images not suitable for children. Here are some pictures:
In this picture you can see clearly the image of a party is not over and genital

in these three pictures while ensuring that we see clearly written in the sky, in the initial page of the facebook written sex.

This photo was made famous image of the crucified naked woman at the window but it is known only by seeing the video in slow motion.

The last but about the little mermaid and the prince is getting married you can see the image of the priest with his penis in an upright position

but in truth it is assumed that the garment is folded the letter because it follows the movements of the priest
Given the subliminal messages of Disney pass messages one of which involves Satanists and Vodafone.
Here's a photo:
as you can see the symbol of Vodafone appears 3 times and looks like a 6, which would mean the beast and did not end here because Vodafone is also linked to the Ku Klux Klan KKK in acronym) is the name used by many U.S. organizations , mold often terrorist. a racist and advocating the superiority of the white race. Historically there are three stages of movement: the first from 1865 to 1874 as the brotherhood of former soldiers of the army of the Confederate States of America, a second from 1915 to 1944, when the movement took on the character we now consider typical, and a third in the postwar period to today
this is a symbol of the KKK and represents the symbol of Vodafone.

We all know that the bar code actually shows a message according to some subliminal satanic.
the 2-line initial, final and suggest a six central being equal in the same shape and thickness and height then made "666"

And now we move on to advertising, we start with Camel cigarettes.

these 2 pictures that are on the pack of Camels contain subliminal messages 2 1 for each photo, 1 Sexual Enhancement with a man with the penis in an upright position and the second another man sitting on the toilet

Now to make a very famous: The A-STYLE
here's the true meaning of the letter A
Now look at these three pictures where you see images in the style that represents the famous Masonic Masonic pyramid that was an order that seeks to improve the initiation of individual After replacing the word with individual man or humanity, bringing the purpose of Freemasonry in a social and collective in general, rather than purely individual.

Simpson in this photo of two dolls are clearly seen wearing a hat shaped like a pyramid masonic

and here you see the symbol of the square and the compass of Freemasonry which I have mentioned in previous photos

And this shows the Masonic symbol featured in the top of the pyramid

Last but not least here's Pareidolia.
The pareidolia from the greek είδωλον = image with the prefix; subconscious is the illusion of giving form to objects and known patterns form randomly.
short in ability to see something (smoking, rocks, trees, clouds, etc..) And see

We talked this subject at school and I wanted to make a blog where I put things like these.
I am a 13 year old boy commented to let me know if your opinion is fine, but not to mock or criticize.
Thanks and the next "article"