Monday, September 27, 2010

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Friday, September 24, 2010

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

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waste in Naples, vandalism to raid damaged Enerambiente 46 / 2 of the UN gathering.
Mayor Lepore calls the attorney to immediately identify those responsible. Under cover of the waste levy police.

NAPOLI (Sept. 23) - Several media used for the collection of waste has been damaged in a raid on the headquarters of vandalism to Enerambiente Naples. This is the company making the collection for Asia, in some districts of the city. This is the same company for a domestic dispute, has had serious defections of personnel in operations to remove the waste.
damage to the means of collection of waste Enerambiente was a group of about 50 people, introdottesi Enerambiente offices in Naples, in via de Roberto. According to police, who is investigating the raid, 46 were damaged compactors, including 4 cars and 3 vans.

Collection Nu polizia.I under cover of the means of waste collection will be escorted by police the next night. This was stated by the Chief of Santi Giuffre, vandalism this morning after the raid at the headquarters of Enerambiente. "We have prepared a monitoring plan along the route of the few means of Enerambiente remained available for the collection, 'explained the commissioner. "The compactors will be escorted by the police because we can not risk another ambush," he added.

The reaction of the mayor. A "serious incident of violence has virtually destroyed the offices of Enerambiente and unavailability over 50 / 2 of the same company that should have been engaged to collect the waste which are currently deposited in the streets of downtown and the Vomero. This underlines the mayor of Naples, Rosa Russo Iervolino. "The municipal administration - highlights the Iervolino - Immediately reacted not only taking all possible measures to achieve even a partial collection on the whole, but to protect those who carry out the collection tonight. "

immediately identify those responsible. The mayor "has been put into immediate contact with the prosecutor asking Lepore to bring immediate investigation to identify those who perpetrated the act of vandalism." He also made contact with the police "to ensure the highest level because a strong and effective surveillance and protection of all those involved and sensitive sites. "

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Unemployed 8, 5%, by 2003, while the top 28% of young people did not work.
Istat data indicate a 1% increase from a year ago, the worst situation of women in the South.
ROME (23 September) - The unemployment rate in the second quarter of 2010 rose to 8, 5%, it announced the Istat specifying that it is the highest level since the third quarter of 2003. Again with reference to the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate (8.5%) there was an increase of 0.1 tenths of a point over the first quarter and by 1 point over the second quarter of 2009. The institute noted that "in economic terms is an increase slowed down more."
Looking at the non-seasonally adjusted data (unemployment rate 8.3%), is known as the male rate will grow from 6.3% in second quarter 2009 to 7.6%, while the women went from 8.8% to 9.4%. In the north elevation of the indicator (5 to 5.9%) relates to both men and women, in the center, the rate rose to 7.1% (6.7% a year earlier) due to growth for men. In the South, the unemployment rate is 13.4% (11, 9% a year earlier), with a peak of 16.4% for women. In addition, the unemployment rate of foreigners increases for the sixth consecutive time, bringing to 11, 6% (10.9% in the second quarter of 2009).
Unemployment youth (15-24 years) reached 27.9 percent (with a maximum of 40.3 percent for women of the South), peaked in the second quarter of 1999.
In the second quarter of 2010 the number of people seeking employment reached (seasonally adjusted) of 2.136 million units, an increase of 1, 1% versus the first quarter (+24 thousand), compared with the same period last year and an increase of 13.8%. This was communicated by Istat, stating that in absolute values \u200b\u200b(2136000) This is the highest level since second quarter of 2001.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

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"The commitment made by Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, for a quick tour of the South plan with a clear definition of the resources - some 100 billion euro - represents an important commitment." It 'as said in a statement, the President of the Campania Region Stefano Caldoro commenting on statements by the Prime Minister issued by telephone during the first national holiday of' We the South ' Irpinia. The availability of 100 billion euro available to confirm the South "the will of the Prime Minister to have the agenda of government intervention in the South as a strategic issue. What we have asked how the southern regions, for a Noon - added Caldoro - who wants to change and reverse the route pointing to the modernization and quality of services to ensure rigor and quality of spending and services. " "It 's good news - he concluded Caldoro - and now we are ready to work with the Government, and therefore with the whole country and Europe must look to the Mediterranean, to define and choose the great assets development ".

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Sunday, September 19, 2010

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Press in September.

Press the Treviso branch of September.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

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The Network on

TREVISO - A peaceful protest, today, Monday, Sept. 13, the first day of school, against the cuts to public school, who want to pass off as reform, "Gelmini "on the part of ' provincial association" Network students. "
Coordinated by Alberto Irone student last year at Canova, on the gates and walls of all high schools Treviso, but also in the plexus of Lancenigo were banners affixed to call 'attention to what the same Irone described as a "hot autumn". The association, which brings together high school students, promoting the rights, is close to the CGIL, but moves in full autonomy and freedom.
"Today is the first day of autumn will be hot this year as it comes fully into force, the so-called reform Gelmini as we had been presented two years ago. We can not absolutely define reform, but a cut at various addresses that are too unstable to be cut, faculty and staff ata. It is not a reform because it is just a cut funds will be allocated to another and that the state will no longer be able to allocate to the school. We decided to protest in a peaceful way of putting up banners that carry sentences Socrates, Bacon and other famous people of this caliber. "
staked all on the slogan" Knowledge is not merchandise ".
Now how you intend to continue you in this battle? "In the first part of autumn inform students of what it really is the Gelmini reform: no value to school education, but a destruction of what were the attempts of modernization that was leading the reform Minister Giuseppe Fioroni, (executive member of the government led by Romano Prodi, ed.) will try to involve parents to promote, if we succeed, coordination, but also teachers. We maximum cooperation - said the young man - by all those who want to share our goals are the restoration of the 8 billion that the Gelmini cut and you can open the tables of serious consultations to arrive at a true reform school that is not just a cut indiscriminately, but it is a guarantee of development, promotion of strong educational foundation. "
" By the way - adds the provincial coordinator of the Network students "- we must not forget that Italy is the only Western European country that has compulsory education up to 16 years, and is very serious, as to our colleagues in the limit is higher than two years. "
you think this sort of reform is only one way to get money to avoid bankruptcy of the state or conceals some undeclared purpose? "My hope is that this is just to make ends meet bankruptcy of the state, but I sincerely doubt that there will arise many want to get to what he said Calamandrei 'barbarism of a public school in favor of private schools'. We must not forget that this government is, on the other hand encouraging and supporting private schools. The suspect, however, is that you want to further reduce the mass of thinking that is always afraid to certain types of forms of government, it is not trying to give everyone a chance to education. I hope I'm wrong, but in the meantime we will continue to protest. "
also protested the CGIL. He does know the secretary of the FLC CGIL di Treviso, Ermanno Rambaldi that adhere to national protest called by unions led by Guglielmo Epifani. It will strike for two months, from October 1, every 15 days, one hour per day.
"We want to - says the union - the state report degradation caused by cuts in the school. Unfortunately, not enough good will on the part of teachers and staff ata to ensure the quality of education service in the absence of funds. Obviously if you continue to cut up the teaching staff and of course it becomes difficult to provide the same offer training in previous years. If you do not give financial resources it is clear that the training projects do not have the legs to walk, unless the school does not ask your parents and ask them to finance them, which, unfortunately, is already happening. We would like to say to citizens that is not true that there was a reform better, there was a presentation on the school strongly pejorative. "

Author: Laura Tuveri

Thursday, September 9, 2010

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We want the public school students.

We want the public school students
Sabatino Sofia of

This government is literally destroying the public school. The attack that you are putting in is unprecedented in the history of our country. They are, without too many pleasantries, dismantling each gusset inhuman efforts that had been set up by teachers, students and parents who love and defend the public school. The worst thing that this debacle is muffled and concealed by a strong media campaign that Gelmini, and this government in general, have fielded. The cut of 8 billion euro in 3 years from the last approved financial, should be terribly out of tune with the idea of \u200b\u200bschool that claims to carry forward our minister, a school "meritocracy", where they finally abandoned gooders of '68 and he prefers above all quality. Instead we are faced with a huge psychosis among the reality that the Minister describes, and what each day is revealed before our eyes: a public school that is no longer public, private, all that does not even have the chance to play its ordinary functions, let alone function social empowerment and elimination of differences between individuals. Students
We ask ourselves how we will in a few weeks to return to school, our teachers, who until last year were sitting in our classrooms, and in manned and hunger strikes, with schools who have been cleared all funds, in the chaos of addresses of missing trials, with fewer hours, but the same programs and same issues, no laboratories, with exorbitant costs to be borne by our students and our families, with dilapidated buildings on which even this 'year was not spent one euro.
is being put in place a true sale of public schools, that despite remains a public facade, the substance is depleted, deprived of his office. We're back in Italy that were hoping to have left forever after many struggles, an Italy where the school drop grows because sending a child to school is too expensive, when you leave the school because we can not be recovered by three deficiencies, in which the same cost, private service (especially private schools that rained state funding) is certainly more functional than the public sector and then here is that the public remains public even if you empty of meaning. That's why the first day of school our students will leave the network with the actions of students of protest that will continue throughout the school year, with a large student mobilization during the month of October and the date of 17 November International Day for the rights of students. September 9, 2010

Source: Unity

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and by the OECD GELMINI REJECTED - The Government is in the wrong direction.

The OECD data are very clear: to end the crisis must invest on education, we reiterate that concept for years and now find confirmation on concrete data that can not be reversed by Gelmini, although obviously we are trying.

The media campaign that this government is bringing with is now being dismantled in every facet: it is true that in times of crisis you can not help but cut education, is not it wrong to demand that more resources, it is true that in other European countries, governments are taking these measures.

cut to € 8 billion public school, as if it were a company in financial distress, means to cut off all hope of recovery from the crisis for our country and cut off all expectations of our future students.
We demand a quality school, but of true quality, that allows us to keep up with our peers in Europe and with an increasingly precarious world of work and globalized.
What we find instead are a lot of slogans, a careless use of the words merit and quality, then the reality of our schools is reflected in lack of funds, teaching methods and training firm 50 years ago, early school leavers to the stars .
The reality is that the sham reform Gelmini is on the wrong side, and that until we will be bringing up the rear in terms of education spending relative to GDP, even back to Brazil and Estonia, there is little to celebrate.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

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Emergency Student: You respect your rights!


E 'an emergency service on the Polish Students' Network that offers all students who need CONSULTING, information, legal assistance to resolve any issues in examinations and assessments, conduct evaluations, remedial courses and much more about the complicated world of school.


We decided to use this service because we are too often the innocent victims of a school world that gives no room for the voice of the students. In the maze of bureaucracy and students very often we lose our rights, that's why the Student Network offers you a one-stop auditors and legal counsel.


We expect a school in which to grow and learn. A school where being assessed is not to be charged to a process or become numbers on a log, but a way to understand their own limitations and shortcomings. Merit, a word which fills the mouth Gelmini, who is not to say go ahead and who can stand it and leave behind those in need. Responsible for us is to commit to school on their own from the results that may prove with numbers and tables.

For every difficulty you can contact us:

- door national mail:
- add us on MSN:
- Add to FB: Student Network Medi
- you can also contact us at: 3358482413

BELOW LINK TO THE PAGE FIRST AID STUDENT : # / pages/Pronto-Soccorso-Studentesco-Rete-degli-Studenti/146189315421206? v = info & ref = mf

Saturday, September 4, 2010

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School in September.

The beginning of the school year continues to confirm the worst flaws undertaken by the government towards public education, vigorously denounced in recent years by all components of the school, from teachers to students, including genitori.Si begins immediately with the well known cuts, which take less than 12,372 teaching positions: in the 8711 primary in mid 3661. For high school but this will be the first year that will come into force, after many travails administrative measures to reorganize the school system, as defined by the minister as "the most revolutionary school reform since the days of Gentile."
The first sector to be hit by September of the key staff hours, reduced for each type of school to 30-32 hours for reasons not specified and no regard to the objective diversity of different types of institutions. Vocational institutions will be in the position of having to rearrange pictures that until last year also reached 40 hours, also for all schools will need to cut the teachings, particularly those of second and foreign language lab hours. In this way, 14,000 people are spared. Adding a further discrimination against the technical and vocational schools. If in fact the change of time this year in high schools will begin only with the first classes in other orders, we will see him attending the classes already changed, with reduced materials and other hours have disappeared into thin air. Yet another example of the mold liceizzazione Moratti.

Cutting time to focus principally on the hours of foreign language laboratory, leaving individual schools to find alternative solutions to maintaining our country's standard of learning as similar to those in Europe. A difficult challenge without a real general will and politics behind.
The High school decreased from 9 to 6, an increase of addresses that reach 14, while technical schools increased from 10 sectors and 39 sectors and 11 addresses at two addresses. The art schools are combined to art school. Once again reveals the discrimination against the technical and vocational high schools made much less attractive, a very unusual choice in a country like ours where there it is rare that companies are unable to reach its technical aspects essential for production, while they are far too many chances of finding employment than graduates in the humanities, psychology, social forced increasingly to long experiences of insecurity among stages and parking, call center, professional jobs of poor quality.
addition, this "reform" basically does not solve the most painful of our school system, simply going to distribute differently and with different names of the existing structures without change in substance. Issues such as the creation of a unitary ol'innalzamento two years of compulsory education, consistent with the much-vaunted "European perspective" that would guide the actions of the minister, have not been minimally addressed.
The substantial cuts in schools are also already leading to higher costs required by schools, families, beginning with services such as remedial courses, by law free: schools found themselves having to cope with enormous amounts of expenditure without a minimum subsidy from the state, often borrowing to repair the lack of funds and to ensure that the courses were held the same. This situation did not last long. No longer able to support these costs, many schools have suspended their remedial courses, leaving students in the only alternative to support privately insufficient recovery of materials. It 's the case, for example' IPSCT Besta di Treviso.
In other cases, principals have to address "taxed" the families coming to seek up to € 100 for each subject to be recovered, as the Institute of Conselve Mattei, ITIS Rossi di Vicenza, Verona Fermi Institute. The free course was therefore swept away.
from the provisions of the last school board also saw a general increase in voluntary contributions for school enrollment, better known as "entrance fees", sometimes even doubled compared to previous years.
Finally, the deep cuts funding to local authorities will likely set the last financial consequences on sectors such as the right to education, competence of the regions, and school construction, jurisdiction of the provinces, already resource-poor.

This is the picture that will be created in September. And 'the picture of a small school in a very difficult situation from the total lack of interest revealed by the government, totally away from the true reality that we live every day in our schools.


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not just a law to ensure freedom of the press.

A free journalism is first and foremost a way of being, a way of life of society. And Italy is missing. The gag law seems to have been filed - discuss this issue again in September, they say - but in the meantime the leash to free speech remains. Remains very strong, for example, the neck of John Floris,
who could not broadcast the special BallarĂ² on the political crisis on the evening of Tuesday, August 3.
remains real, actual, in the choice of the Director General of RAI Mauro Masi to rely solely on the political storm news in-depth analysis of recent days. Rai, as claimed Roberto Christmas meeting on "Cut and gag at Camp Rebelde, the editor should be more free to all. It should, of course.

The gag had already been dissolved on July 20, when the law on wiretapping was out of the House Judiciary Committee changed dramatically: with the introduction of the hearing-filter would be a magistrate to decide, together with the parties, which were significant intercepts made public. "Vince freedom, not the law," headline the next day an article by Massimo Giannini, La Repubblica, July 29, while Berlusconi already claimed to be tempted to withdraw the bill. It ended just like that: discuss this issue again in September, again if the government will survive until August.
Unfortunately, the death penalty law in wiretapping facts do not exist. And on that bill because there is another political game is played: no freedom of press, only the war, the internal feud between the PDL Berlusconi and Fini. But even if this further shame-law was dead, buried, the information remains on probation. To know the law, the Italian press is free since 1948, is written in Article 21 of the Constitution. In reading the facts, freedom of press a horn.

Tg1 has an editorial line scandalously close to the government, the talk shows - from BallarĂ² Annozero - are found too often in the crossfire of politics and the direction Rai, uncovering, some more less, on the verge of closure.

talk shows, in fact. During this time they are forced to remain "closed for vacation." This was indeed the choice of general manager Mauro Masi Rai at the level of information to address the crisis of politics and the problems of government: the news just for news segments. It was too complicated to combine the newsrooms of the talk show paused contract. Too complicated to broadcast the episode ready, full cover, services and guests, BallarĂ².

Press freedom is a way of being part of a culture of a people. And it's not the Italian people. In the rest of the journalism world is going through a crisis black due the failure of the business model behind the news: the collapse of the economy has also indebted most influential newspapers. Nesweek was sold for a dollar less than a week ago.

But at the same time the distant Iceland welcomes the proposal of a Member of the anarchist to remove any form of censorship to the press, turning the island into a cool paradise legal "for investigative journalism. The Wikileaks website was born from the ingenuity of the hacker Julian Assange, continues to publish confidential documents about the war in Afghanistan. In Italy someone has the courage to propose an obligation to reply to blogs: the battle for press freedom has never been won. It is still to fight.


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Reform Destructive affects everyone, even the rich northern regions.

"C 'was once a school. With great difficulty we could call it public the same for everyone. Now you can not anymore. The educational reform promoted by the Berlusconi government, in the persons of ministers and Tremonti Gelmini, is based on the premise unrealistic.

The impracticability of these projects is due to the fact they can not afford it a great quality of the school reform movement, if it was true that the goal of government is a real increase in quality.
The ministerial provisions are so easily affordable to the Councillor for Education of the Veneto Region Elena Donazzan was forced to take certain steps to bring a calm to the temporary effects of the reform.

We will first, it seems, set aside one million euro for the Italian language teaching for migrants and for support for disabled students. Note, however, as both will put a ceiling of 30% the number of foreign students per class.
of two things: either that the cap is a proposal racist, just once to discriminate without reason - the only fault to be born in another place - some children, while the actual resources to help there would be, or indeed the resources for the positive insertion of these students are missing. It means that even the Assessor Donazzan realizes that one million euro is a ridiculously low price to ensure quality education to those students who want to linguistic reasons, want for other reasons, are from disadvantaged backgrounds.

The second measure concerns the Veneto Region of good school: it will increase the value and the credit will support the income in the award criteria, with no distinction between public schools and private schools. Remember that until now, the good schools and was assigned not to the really low-income families, but to those who pay more fees in relation to income, that is, families who still can not afford to send their children in a public school. It was a huge joke. If, however, among eligible for school vouchers do now also include pupils of public schools, it would mean that school administrators have been forced to raise taxes to achieve straight lines similar to those of the private school. This, as well as an explicit attack on the right to study, it is also certainly a factor which will raise the rate of early school leaving up to medieval levels.
One of the parameters for the award of good school will also then the distance home / school, having taken into account the problematic situation of some mountain areas of the Veneto. This resolution should be complemented with a derogation minimum numbers for the formation of classes in the mountains, that the ministry would set in 30 students per class.
First, it shows a substantial failure by the Government to take account only of the peculiarities of mountain regions and small islands - as if Italy was absurd for the most part flat and big cities - making requires the involvement of local authorities to ensure that students do not have more than two hours by bus each morning.
As the second element is the fact that these exceptions so far does not seem to apply to provincial capitals, although in mountainous areas. There is So, for example, in a situation where in Belluno, the capital of the Dolomites, which has only one High School, students must make a minimum excess of 40 km in more than planned, to reach the nearest school campus ( always allowed to be assigned to the nearest one).

We'll see if these good school that will be also allocated according to the distance from the trade school year will be assigned to these guys. In any case it seems appropriate to point out that during a meeting last school year, the Assessor Donazzan was committed in front of the children of the Network of high school students to begin Veneto a policy to improve transport. Along the lines of what is already in place in Emilia Romagna, large facilities were required for students in the form of a regional single subscription.
These commitments have not been maintained, although not completely interchangeable with the inclusion of distance parameter in the criteria for the award of good schools.
The third measure is to be an appropriation of 800 000 € for so-called Third Area in vocational schools. However, this funding will go to cover only the fifth year, while others will need to contact the European Social Fund, always assuming that our schools fail to win the tender. Then you must consider that if a million € is not enough for the Italian courses, let alone how they can do 800 000 € for the whole system of the third area, whichever is more strongly professionalizing the teaching of our Institutes.

In all these measures, it appears a great hypocrisy of the assessor who shoot numbers to give a sop to the students in protest. Surely the commissioner Donazzan knows: were cut to € 13 billion to local authorities with the latest financial statement. This measure does not make it possible, even if there was no intention, to ensure fully the right to study.
In any case if the region had to think about the resolution of these issues means that the reform actually does not work, since the regions have to make up for the shortcomings of the Ministry.

Venetian a student may also consider it lucky because mine is one of the richest regions of Italy - not counting those with special status and ignoring the fact that even in the Veneto and the crisis situation is no longer so rosy - but I can not help but think about what will happen to the students of the regions that you can not even preface this type of action. As you will where the school drop out rate is already high? And how will more of the schools where the problems are not caschino ensure that the heads of the students?

These questions Germini the minister seems to have no answers, and since I do not want to give us hope utopian is about listening to our own. "


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The Controguida for Students and Representatives!

To clarify the maze of student representation and the right to study the network of Students in the Veneto region has created the Controguida. The
found here!