Saturday, September 4, 2010

Manual Or Digital Hygrometer For Humidors

Reform Destructive affects everyone, even the rich northern regions.

"C 'was once a school. With great difficulty we could call it public the same for everyone. Now you can not anymore. The educational reform promoted by the Berlusconi government, in the persons of ministers and Tremonti Gelmini, is based on the premise unrealistic.

The impracticability of these projects is due to the fact they can not afford it a great quality of the school reform movement, if it was true that the goal of government is a real increase in quality.
The ministerial provisions are so easily affordable to the Councillor for Education of the Veneto Region Elena Donazzan was forced to take certain steps to bring a calm to the temporary effects of the reform.

We will first, it seems, set aside one million euro for the Italian language teaching for migrants and for support for disabled students. Note, however, as both will put a ceiling of 30% the number of foreign students per class.
of two things: either that the cap is a proposal racist, just once to discriminate without reason - the only fault to be born in another place - some children, while the actual resources to help there would be, or indeed the resources for the positive insertion of these students are missing. It means that even the Assessor Donazzan realizes that one million euro is a ridiculously low price to ensure quality education to those students who want to linguistic reasons, want for other reasons, are from disadvantaged backgrounds.

The second measure concerns the Veneto Region of good school: it will increase the value and the credit will support the income in the award criteria, with no distinction between public schools and private schools. Remember that until now, the good schools and was assigned not to the really low-income families, but to those who pay more fees in relation to income, that is, families who still can not afford to send their children in a public school. It was a huge joke. If, however, among eligible for school vouchers do now also include pupils of public schools, it would mean that school administrators have been forced to raise taxes to achieve straight lines similar to those of the private school. This, as well as an explicit attack on the right to study, it is also certainly a factor which will raise the rate of early school leaving up to medieval levels.
One of the parameters for the award of good school will also then the distance home / school, having taken into account the problematic situation of some mountain areas of the Veneto. This resolution should be complemented with a derogation minimum numbers for the formation of classes in the mountains, that the ministry would set in 30 students per class.
First, it shows a substantial failure by the Government to take account only of the peculiarities of mountain regions and small islands - as if Italy was absurd for the most part flat and big cities - making requires the involvement of local authorities to ensure that students do not have more than two hours by bus each morning.
As the second element is the fact that these exceptions so far does not seem to apply to provincial capitals, although in mountainous areas. There is So, for example, in a situation where in Belluno, the capital of the Dolomites, which has only one High School, students must make a minimum excess of 40 km in more than planned, to reach the nearest school campus ( always allowed to be assigned to the nearest one).

We'll see if these good school that will be also allocated according to the distance from the trade school year will be assigned to these guys. In any case it seems appropriate to point out that during a meeting last school year, the Assessor Donazzan was committed in front of the children of the Network of high school students to begin Veneto a policy to improve transport. Along the lines of what is already in place in Emilia Romagna, large facilities were required for students in the form of a regional single subscription.
These commitments have not been maintained, although not completely interchangeable with the inclusion of distance parameter in the criteria for the award of good schools.
The third measure is to be an appropriation of 800 000 € for so-called Third Area in vocational schools. However, this funding will go to cover only the fifth year, while others will need to contact the European Social Fund, always assuming that our schools fail to win the tender. Then you must consider that if a million € is not enough for the Italian courses, let alone how they can do 800 000 € for the whole system of the third area, whichever is more strongly professionalizing the teaching of our Institutes.

In all these measures, it appears a great hypocrisy of the assessor who shoot numbers to give a sop to the students in protest. Surely the commissioner Donazzan knows: were cut to € 13 billion to local authorities with the latest financial statement. This measure does not make it possible, even if there was no intention, to ensure fully the right to study.
In any case if the region had to think about the resolution of these issues means that the reform actually does not work, since the regions have to make up for the shortcomings of the Ministry.

Venetian a student may also consider it lucky because mine is one of the richest regions of Italy - not counting those with special status and ignoring the fact that even in the Veneto and the crisis situation is no longer so rosy - but I can not help but think about what will happen to the students of the regions that you can not even preface this type of action. As you will where the school drop out rate is already high? And how will more of the schools where the problems are not caschino ensure that the heads of the students?

These questions Germini the minister seems to have no answers, and since I do not want to give us hope utopian is about listening to our own. "



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