Saturday, September 4, 2010

Beautiful Agony Best Full Body

School in September.

The beginning of the school year continues to confirm the worst flaws undertaken by the government towards public education, vigorously denounced in recent years by all components of the school, from teachers to students, including genitori.Si begins immediately with the well known cuts, which take less than 12,372 teaching positions: in the 8711 primary in mid 3661. For high school but this will be the first year that will come into force, after many travails administrative measures to reorganize the school system, as defined by the minister as "the most revolutionary school reform since the days of Gentile."
The first sector to be hit by September of the key staff hours, reduced for each type of school to 30-32 hours for reasons not specified and no regard to the objective diversity of different types of institutions. Vocational institutions will be in the position of having to rearrange pictures that until last year also reached 40 hours, also for all schools will need to cut the teachings, particularly those of second and foreign language lab hours. In this way, 14,000 people are spared. Adding a further discrimination against the technical and vocational schools. If in fact the change of time this year in high schools will begin only with the first classes in other orders, we will see him attending the classes already changed, with reduced materials and other hours have disappeared into thin air. Yet another example of the mold liceizzazione Moratti.

Cutting time to focus principally on the hours of foreign language laboratory, leaving individual schools to find alternative solutions to maintaining our country's standard of learning as similar to those in Europe. A difficult challenge without a real general will and politics behind.
The High school decreased from 9 to 6, an increase of addresses that reach 14, while technical schools increased from 10 sectors and 39 sectors and 11 addresses at two addresses. The art schools are combined to art school. Once again reveals the discrimination against the technical and vocational high schools made much less attractive, a very unusual choice in a country like ours where there it is rare that companies are unable to reach its technical aspects essential for production, while they are far too many chances of finding employment than graduates in the humanities, psychology, social forced increasingly to long experiences of insecurity among stages and parking, call center, professional jobs of poor quality.
addition, this "reform" basically does not solve the most painful of our school system, simply going to distribute differently and with different names of the existing structures without change in substance. Issues such as the creation of a unitary ol'innalzamento two years of compulsory education, consistent with the much-vaunted "European perspective" that would guide the actions of the minister, have not been minimally addressed.
The substantial cuts in schools are also already leading to higher costs required by schools, families, beginning with services such as remedial courses, by law free: schools found themselves having to cope with enormous amounts of expenditure without a minimum subsidy from the state, often borrowing to repair the lack of funds and to ensure that the courses were held the same. This situation did not last long. No longer able to support these costs, many schools have suspended their remedial courses, leaving students in the only alternative to support privately insufficient recovery of materials. It 's the case, for example' IPSCT Besta di Treviso.
In other cases, principals have to address "taxed" the families coming to seek up to € 100 for each subject to be recovered, as the Institute of Conselve Mattei, ITIS Rossi di Vicenza, Verona Fermi Institute. The free course was therefore swept away.
from the provisions of the last school board also saw a general increase in voluntary contributions for school enrollment, better known as "entrance fees", sometimes even doubled compared to previous years.
Finally, the deep cuts funding to local authorities will likely set the last financial consequences on sectors such as the right to education, competence of the regions, and school construction, jurisdiction of the provinces, already resource-poor.

This is the picture that will be created in September. And 'the picture of a small school in a very difficult situation from the total lack of interest revealed by the government, totally away from the true reality that we live every day in our schools.



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