Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Did I Inherit Lupus From My Mom

The Network on oggitreviso.it

TREVISO - A peaceful protest, today, Monday, Sept. 13, the first day of school, against the cuts to public school, who want to pass off as reform, "Gelmini "on the part of ' provincial association" Network students. "
Coordinated by Alberto Irone student last year at Canova, on the gates and walls of all high schools Treviso, but also in the plexus of Lancenigo were banners affixed to call 'attention to what the same Irone described as a "hot autumn". The association, which brings together high school students, promoting the rights, is close to the CGIL, but moves in full autonomy and freedom.
"Today is the first day of autumn will be hot this year as it comes fully into force, the so-called reform Gelmini as we had been presented two years ago. We can not absolutely define reform, but a cut at various addresses that are too unstable to be cut, faculty and staff ata. It is not a reform because it is just a cut funds will be allocated to another and that the state will no longer be able to allocate to the school. We decided to protest in a peaceful way of putting up banners that carry sentences Socrates, Bacon and other famous people of this caliber. "
staked all on the slogan" Knowledge is not merchandise ".
Now how you intend to continue you in this battle? "In the first part of autumn inform students of what it really is the Gelmini reform: no value to school education, but a destruction of what were the attempts of modernization that was leading the reform Minister Giuseppe Fioroni, (executive member of the government led by Romano Prodi, ed.) will try to involve parents to promote, if we succeed, coordination, but also teachers. We maximum cooperation - said the young man - by all those who want to share our goals are the restoration of the 8 billion that the Gelmini cut and you can open the tables of serious consultations to arrive at a true reform school that is not just a cut indiscriminately, but it is a guarantee of development, promotion of strong educational foundation. "
" By the way - adds the provincial coordinator of the Network students "- we must not forget that Italy is the only Western European country that has compulsory education up to 16 years, and is very serious, as to our colleagues in the limit is higher than two years. "
you think this sort of reform is only one way to get money to avoid bankruptcy of the state or conceals some undeclared purpose? "My hope is that this is just to make ends meet bankruptcy of the state, but I sincerely doubt that there will arise many want to get to what he said Calamandrei 'barbarism of a public school in favor of private schools'. We must not forget that this government is, on the other hand encouraging and supporting private schools. The suspect, however, is that you want to further reduce the mass of thinking that is always afraid to certain types of forms of government, it is not trying to give everyone a chance to education. I hope I'm wrong, but in the meantime we will continue to protest. "
also protested the CGIL. He does know the secretary of the FLC CGIL di Treviso, Ermanno Rambaldi that adhere to national protest called by unions led by Guglielmo Epifani. It will strike for two months, from October 1, every 15 days, one hour per day.
"We want to - says the union - the state report degradation caused by cuts in the school. Unfortunately, not enough good will on the part of teachers and staff ata to ensure the quality of education service in the absence of funds. Obviously if you continue to cut up the teaching staff and of course it becomes difficult to provide the same offer training in previous years. If you do not give financial resources it is clear that the training projects do not have the legs to walk, unless the school does not ask your parents and ask them to finance them, which, unfortunately, is already happening. We would like to say to citizens that is not true that there was a reform better, there was a presentation on the school strongly pejorative. "

Author: Laura Tuveri


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