waste in Naples, vandalism to raid damaged Enerambiente 46 / 2 of the UN gathering.
Mayor Lepore calls the attorney to immediately identify those responsible. Under cover of the waste levy police.
NAPOLI (Sept. 23) - Several media used for the collection of waste has been damaged in a raid on the headquarters of vandalism to Enerambiente Naples. This is the company making the collection for Asia, in some districts of the city. This is the same company for a domestic dispute, has had serious defections of personnel in operations to remove the waste.
damage to the means of collection of waste Enerambiente was a group of about 50 people, introdottesi Enerambiente offices in Naples, in via de Roberto. According to police, who is investigating the raid, 46 were damaged compactors, including 4 cars and 3 vans.
Collection Nu polizia.I under cover of the means of waste collection will be escorted by police the next night. This was stated by the Chief of Santi Giuffre, vandalism this morning after the raid at the headquarters of Enerambiente. "We have prepared a monitoring plan along the route of the few means of Enerambiente remained available for the collection, 'explained the commissioner. "The compactors will be escorted by the police because we can not risk another ambush," he added.
The reaction of the mayor. A "serious incident of violence has virtually destroyed the offices of Enerambiente and unavailability over 50 / 2 of the same company that should have been engaged to collect the waste which are currently deposited in the streets of downtown and the Vomero. This underlines the mayor of Naples, Rosa Russo Iervolino. "The municipal administration - highlights the Iervolino - Immediately reacted not only taking all possible measures to achieve even a partial collection on the whole, but to protect those who carry out the collection tonight. "
immediately identify those responsible. The mayor "has been put into immediate contact with the prosecutor asking Lepore to bring immediate investigation to identify those who perpetrated the act of vandalism." He also made contact with the police "to ensure the highest level because a strong and effective surveillance and protection of all those involved and sensitive sites. "
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