Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Space Blanket For Loft Insulation And Pregnant

"The commitment made by Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, for a quick tour of the South plan with a clear definition of the resources - some 100 billion euro - represents an important commitment." It 'as said in a statement, the President of the Campania Region Stefano Caldoro commenting on statements by the Prime Minister issued by telephone during the first national holiday of' We the South ' Irpinia. The availability of 100 billion euro available to confirm the South "the will of the Prime Minister to have the agenda of government intervention in the South as a strategic issue. What we have asked how the southern regions, for a Noon - added Caldoro - who wants to change and reverse the route pointing to the modernization and quality of services to ensure rigor and quality of spending and services. " "It 's good news - he concluded Caldoro - and now we are ready to work with the Government, and therefore with the whole country and Europe must look to the Mediterranean, to define and choose the great assets development ".


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