Monday, November 22, 2010

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will Cristina!

Mum and Dad have finally decided: Cristina will be the name of my sister. My father has lost a runoff the wire. Indeed, to be honest, wanted to give in and meet the mother, even though he said that Cristina is a name that he liked very much. He liked Mary and had also took a small and quick "crush" for Gwendolyn. A little scared with all this fixation, but then came back on the right path.
the meantime I've started to pee and poop also directly on the toilet! I use my gear and sit down comfortable comfortable. Then when I did, I press the lever even water!
attached photos of mom, dad and I's version of "Ivan".

Sunday, November 14, 2010

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The precarious BROS PROJECT TO THE CITY ':

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Monday, November 8, 2010

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Corrado Gabriele - PART 1.

Corrado Gabriele - PART 2.

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Report 17-10 - 2010
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job. Race to the bonus for recruitment

Bilingual facilitation for companies that hire workers, at least 50 years of age, entitled to unemployment benefit with normal requirements and non-agricultural workers on the move, with 35 years of contributory pensions: will pay social security contributions in an amount equal to 10% and / or the economic incentive (for 2010) is that it is equal to the worker, the number of monthly treatment of income support are not provided .

The green light comes from publication in the "Official Gazette" of two decrees 253/2010 Ministry of Labour which are governed the contribution relief introduced by the Financial 2010 (Law 191/09) and aimed at the reuse of certain categories of workers.
The regulation of the benefits - limited to only 2010 - but comes at the end of the year.

If a standard, introducing a new type of preferential hiring, transfers to a ministerial decree on the regulation, it is reasonable to assume that the operators - at least in the vast majority - wait, before you use, the adoption of implementing rules.
It can be assumed that this is exactly what happened on this occasion.
Publication ordinances now gives the green light to hiring (although it was still awaiting instructions INPS) but limiting the effects of the current year, so employers there are only two months of benefits.

The benefits relate to the recruitment of over 50 as well as recipients of some form of unemployment and workers on the move, with 35 years of contributions.
The facilities are to pay employment taxes in an amount equal to 10% and / or an economic incentive that it is equal to the worker, the number of monthly treatment of income support are not provided. Positive the intent extend the measures to support the relocation of those who have lost their jobs, but in this case, the estimates are addressed - in large part - to individuals who may already be recipients of other incentives.

The fact remains that the provisions whose effects will be exhausted on December 31 came into force in October. Erve a comprehensive review of existing incentives to avoid duplication, encourage a more rational use of resources and action stronger measures for the relocation of persons leaving the production cycle.
This requirement seems to be shared by related work in the legislature that provided for a delegation to the executive - To be exercised within 24 months after entry into force of related - the reorganization of a series of regulations, including also the matter of incentives for employment.

11/08/2010 Awarded the new posts of 2010 benefits until December 31.
Giuseppe Maccarone and Anthony Cannioto

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Naples, blitz the unemployed in the region.

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Region, six million for the differentiated

arrive € 150,000 for the collection. Naples, however, is not among the beneficiaries. The Department of Environment of the Region dismissed the figure, fishing between 2000/2006 and transferring funds Por the new programming, the 2007/2013. Will be used primarily to stimulate the levy with the system of door to door and to achieve ecological islands. The amounts are related to a deposit of 30% and go to the municipalities who had participated in the tender launched in 2008. In particular, € 107,600 Amelia 12,500 in Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi, nell'avellinese; 30,000 to various areas of the province of Salerno. Including: Albany (17,000), San Mango Pimonte (7400), Moia of Civitella (5800). In two weeks the municipalities that responded to the invitation to two years ago they received six and a half million. Naples, it was said, not access to finance, despite having also attended the announcement in 2008. "The fact is," says Regional Councillor John Romano, "that the city has asked a particularly challenging funding, amounting to six million euro. Behalf to recover the money by the end of the year, for reassignment to Naples and to fund the extension of the curbside collection. I recently spoke with the commissioner of Urban Hygiene Palazzo San Giacomo, Paolo Giacomelli. The regional contribution should be used to achieve ecological islands from Naples to buy the collection trucks and bins needed moisture, glass and paper at home. It will not be 'used instead for the construction of the composting plant planned but not yet realized, via New breaches. A structure is essential to making the moist compost and fertilizer. Currently Naples sent the wet fraction that differs very little, outside the region, at a cost of € 200 per tonne. The composting plant, according to the plan of municipal waste, is intended to run for two years. According to Romano, one option could be put to tender the construction of the mechanism of project financing. In Campania, currently the only major city Salerno has created its plant for composting. 'Funded by 25 million, "says Romano," should be operational in a few weeks. To complete the structure required to Eboli you are trying to recover the tranche of funding shortfall, amounting to € 1,800,000.
San Tammaro already exists, it should be restructured and should be ready by spring. A Sardone, in the province of Salerno, the complex was finally mounted by composting 22,000 tons purchased by the Commissioner to waste eight years ago. Matter of weeks and will be in operation. " If differential pressure and composting point the way to turn the page, this is still difficult. Yesterday still incidents and tensions in the suburbs of Giugliano, ecoballe before the site of King's Tavern, where for two weeks, the truck carrying a portion of the waste collected in Naples. Were already stockpiled about 6000 tons of garbage. In the last 24 hours are 50 trucks entered the site. Lucia De Cicco, pasionaria of the protest, which is already three years ago it was on fire, calling for the closure of the site, it was lying under one of the auto-compacting to lock it. It 'been pulled away after a few minutes. The mayors of Villa Literno and wall, wearing the tricolor flag, tried to prevent the entry methods.

November 7, 2010 (Fabrizio Geremicca by the Corriere del Mezzogiorno)

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Berlusconi destroys Di Pietro - 09/29/2010

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Bros scandal, prosecutors in the charges of Nappi

The prosecutor investigating "scandal Bros". And while prosecutors move between the irregularities emerged in research on precarious, presented Thursday by the Department of Labor Region, Severino Nappi, the news brings to the fore again violent action. Buckets of manure (in large quantities) have been overturned, yesterday, before the office of President of the Region. Stained both the entrance of Saint Lucia to the side street of Via De Cesare. The fire at dawn raid. A to alert a security guard, at about 7.30, which alerted the police. The unbearable stench in the area. For the vigilant security service officers of the palace of the masks were distributed.
are ongoing investigations to trace the perpetrators of the act. The Digos does not mean that the excrement may have been filed by groups of unemployed "extremists." A similar episode was recorded last October 21 when masked people, overthrew manure in the building in the Center office. On that occasion, the buckets of excrement were deposited before the offices of the departments of Labor, Planning and Agriculture.
'violent acts, unlawful, harmful facts by a minority who does not want change, "is the comment of the governor, Stephen Caldoro. "This is the second raid - said on the sidelines of a conference on federalism - are capped and uncivilized people because what they did is an act of incivility, crime. Unfortunately, it is a situation of provocation and it is clear that this concerns us and not only us but also the police. " The incident also involved the president of the industrial, John Lettieri. "There are more tolerable of bullying episodes such as those addressed to the council and the regional council. What is certain is that the difficult period we are living no longer allows a simple service. These actions must be condemned and prosecuted. "
But beyond the headlines, there is an investigation. The complaint councilor Nappi is clear: 30 percent of workers enrolled in the project "Bros" receives contributions illegally - because they live elsewhere or belong only to families - and so will be deleted from the lists. This survey will provide input (with the opening of a dossier-bis) a second strand of the investigation on the unemployed is already open by the magistrates of the section coordinated by the deputy prosecutor, Giovanni Melillo. On the one hand there is the tendency on the street protests, violent demonstrations and attacks, and then thugs, which is also part of the attack yesterday at the county council. The other, the technical investigation and administrative contributions to subscribers.
The pool also coordinated by Melillo is co-ordinating the investigation after the arrests of 13 members to the "precarious Bros organized, which took over Oct. 26 Regional Council.
November 6, 2010 (from the Republic of Cristina Zagaria Napoli)

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historical and Bros, calls for 1,500 units

Unemployed historic agreement for the inclusion of 1,500 units. € 7.5 million on the plate. "This MoU is an important step towards a normal region. We are leaving behind the middle ages and we hope very soon to launch a renaissance of cultural more than economic." Severino Nappi, Regional Minister for Labour and Vocational Training, is not short of evoking picturesque scenery in signing the agreement that sees the Department engage with Assolavoro (National Association of Employment Agencies) and FORMA.TEMP (National Endowment for the formation workers in administration) to facilitate the placement of long-term unemployed.

In particular, the protocol addresses of 3,741 to 1,500 unemployed who constitute the audience of the project Bros, which will recognize a "Dote individual work" of € 5 thousand aimed at providing employment through the conclusion of employment contracts temporary or permanent. The agreement falls within the Action Plan for the work of the Campania Region, which includes an allocation of € 24milioni of funds between the Ministry of Labour and the regional ones, and that the protocol for a priority of € 7.5 million placement of the unemployed Bros.

CALL FOR December
The selection announcement will be issued within next month, and also start to follow all its calls for the unemployed under the Plan of Action. "This is a cultural change of gear, even before the economic - the councilor says - because we finally have chosen to link training to actual market needs. It 's time to say stop the vicious cycle of training autorefenziale, thought regardless of the market. "

Nappi also report some anomalies relating to the unemployed Bros. project on 3741 874 members were well at least one other member in the same household Bros, 114 have received the same time the citizen's income, 110 have received allowance to another component Bros in the same household and one other component with basic income, other 179 have received treatment at the same time other INPS another job, and 55 are the results even though members of retirement age.
Very strange is also the home distribution of members in Naples and in many cities of the province's members are concentrated in a few streets and sometimes are living in the same building.
A Marano, for example, five persons entered the lists Bros live in the same building, in Melito 8 people in the same house. "But the anomalies do not end there - the commissioner concludes. We have discovered that some members do not live even longer in Campania, but living in Florence, Foggia, Mantova, Modena, and so on.
We regret to note that sanctions have not been provided, we can not do anything to recover this money. "
Cristian Fuschetto 11/05/2010

are 3,741 students enrolled in the Project Bros
Classes Age MF Unit Change%
19 25 31 13 44 26 1.2
30,222,138,360 9.6
31 35262151413 11.0
36 40359243602
16.1 41 23.6
45,532,352,884 50,492,291,783
46 20.9 51
55,291,153,444 11.9
56 60 102 54 456 4.2 61 65 30 14
44 1.2 65 8 3 11 0.3 Total 2326 1412 3741

Most Members Bros on the project has an average age of 40-45 years. Women are 1,412 out of 3,741 units.

In 179 they received for benefits
3741 • Total members to the project Bros
• 874 members who are at least one other member in the same household Bros
Bros • 114 members who were paid at the same time
also the citizen's income
• 110 members Bros, Bros with another component in the same household and one other member who has received basic income
Bros • 179 subscribers who receive multiple concomitant treatments
registered with the INPS for another job
• 55 Members of retirement age

In at least another 874 are enrolled in the same household Bros, 114 have received the same time the citizen's income

Cristian Fuschetto / 05 - 11-2010

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Bags work, financed 1100 SMEs

internship to young unemployed people: the Palace of Saint Lucia screening applications to the 1800 aid program of the Region. Within 15 days of the final list

are 1,100, so far, about 1,810 accepted, firms certainly benefited from the scholarships funded by the Region and work aimed at graduates who can perform an internship of one year. The total cost finance, for each fellow, is set at € 5,600 per year for graduates, 6,800 for graduates. Within 15 days, they know Palace Saint Lucia, the list will be available complete.
should be noted that the funded program is the internship for the first time window of the aid program launched by the region last year. For the second time window, which is funded with € 10 million, (the investigation has been completed) it was not until next January when they relaxed the restrictions of the Stability Pact. Also from next year it will be possible to instruct the third time window is so far stuck to the pole because of cost constraints imposed by the pact. The host company is required only to accident prevention and insurance policy for third party liability. To the actuators of work-experience, that not later than one month after the training period to take on permanent contracts is recognized as a one-off up to a maximum of 12 000 euro.L 'aid is conditional on the organic business trattanimento in the new employee for at least two years. The incentive is equal to 50 percent of wage costs in the first year of work within the ceiling of 12 000 € with cuts to that sum in proportion to hours worked for other types of contracts. The measure is intended to be harmonized with the new recruitment incentives provided by tax credit for employment

The three time windows • The time window (11-29 January 2010): The employment grants are being awarded. The roof is DI12 million €. In racing, there are 1,810 SMEs. Certainly companies enter 1100
• The time window (5 April-14 maggio2010): The prize of € 10 million. The investigation is already completed. The benefits will be awarded at the end of the survey on the spending against the constraints of the Stability Pact, which from next January
• Window III (expected 5 to 30 July 2010): the process is blocked. There are 10 million.

no. 210 - pag. 43

ETTORE Mautone / 06/11/2010

Saturday, October 30, 2010

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Father in super-minority ...

October 2010

October 28, 2010 19:45 h: I'm having a little sister !!!!! We heard from a few hours! The doctor began telling mom and dad if they had put aside the things that I used when I was little and they almost immediately realized that he was saying this because you could see he was a little girl! E '27 cm long and weighs 400 grams. Will I have to wait until March 10, expected date of childbirth, to give them many basins. In the meantime there should be enough time to decide on the name because my still have not decided! For the male there would be no problems but the female had not even decided when they heard of me ...

Monday, October 25, 2010

Luana Lani Peachyforum

sister or brother?

Three more days and we will know if I have a sister or a brother. I really can not do it more. If this time the doctor fails to tell us something, tell him four!
Luckily my mother is well and the tummy is growing more and more. Who knows how it will be when I'm the big sister ...
Then we think of the name. For now there are a few ideas, but certainly after that we will know if it's a boy or a girl, it will be easier to choose.
Hoping that tomorrow will be good weather to go out and play, I wish you all good night!

Friday, October 8, 2010

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"DESTROY THE SCHOOL, BUT NOT OUR DREAMS!" The network of high school students back to square Veneto

Today, October 8, 2010, students took to the streets with the Network of high school students in the Veneto to say no to this reform and to launch a new year of mobilization.

the cry of "DESTROY THE SCHOOL, BUT NOT OUR DREAMS" thousands of students took to the streets and squares of the main towns of Veneto.

The numbers speak for themselves, all the schools in the region were virtually empty and demonstrations, peaceful and colorful, full of students: 6000 in Padua, Venice and Treviso in 5000, 4000, in Vicenza, Verona and in 1000 800 to Belluno.

The dispute has also achieved equal success in the rest of Italy: 80 provinces took to the streets with the Net

"Today we gave a great message of change to all those who accuse us for factionalism and troublemakers from Venice Marco Zaba-states, regional coordinator of the Network - a part of these squares path within our institutions to develop proposals, ideas and suggestions for a new school and different.

students once again were able to give the right answer at the right time. "

Students can no longer support the government's indifference with respect to the disastrous situation that is causing the cuts in schools.

Minister Gelmini continues to flaunt enough against our movement.

He said that those students are just old slogan, arguing that the movement is driven by forces that want to use the school as a place for political indoctrination of the left.

Nothing is further from the truth: we are a non-party and cross-complaint, challenging and innovative precisely because so extensive.

claim to be heard and to get a school-quality effects and to measure student.

not only amazing statements.

Today we wore yellow helmets: Strong of our proposals, in fact, we want to rebuild the school, our school. A school that is free, which is guaranteed the right to education, secular, multicultural, teachers with motivated and trained, innovative teaching.

With us took to the streets also the Union of University Students, the FLC - CGIL and also various delegations FIOM - the CGIL, which showed that not only the school that needs to be reformed, but all of society.

why we reiterated our support to the streets in the event of 16 October in Rome.

This day may be remembered as one of the most beautiful in the mobilization organized by the Network of high school students in the Veneto.

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October 8 Event: Press review!

5,000 students have expressed this morning in Treviso (3,500 for the police), one of the most attended parades the entire history of the student movement of Treviso, here's what the press says about us:

Video of Piazza dei Signori while reading the Platform:

Another video of the mobilization:

Monday, September 27, 2010

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TUTTOUNO: Voices From the Street: The hoax MILLENNIUM :

The powers of the earth gathered in New York for the annual plenary session of the Assembly ... "

Friday, September 24, 2010

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

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waste in Naples, vandalism to raid damaged Enerambiente 46 / 2 of the UN gathering.
Mayor Lepore calls the attorney to immediately identify those responsible. Under cover of the waste levy police.

NAPOLI (Sept. 23) - Several media used for the collection of waste has been damaged in a raid on the headquarters of vandalism to Enerambiente Naples. This is the company making the collection for Asia, in some districts of the city. This is the same company for a domestic dispute, has had serious defections of personnel in operations to remove the waste.
damage to the means of collection of waste Enerambiente was a group of about 50 people, introdottesi Enerambiente offices in Naples, in via de Roberto. According to police, who is investigating the raid, 46 were damaged compactors, including 4 cars and 3 vans.

Collection Nu polizia.I under cover of the means of waste collection will be escorted by police the next night. This was stated by the Chief of Santi Giuffre, vandalism this morning after the raid at the headquarters of Enerambiente. "We have prepared a monitoring plan along the route of the few means of Enerambiente remained available for the collection, 'explained the commissioner. "The compactors will be escorted by the police because we can not risk another ambush," he added.

The reaction of the mayor. A "serious incident of violence has virtually destroyed the offices of Enerambiente and unavailability over 50 / 2 of the same company that should have been engaged to collect the waste which are currently deposited in the streets of downtown and the Vomero. This underlines the mayor of Naples, Rosa Russo Iervolino. "The municipal administration - highlights the Iervolino - Immediately reacted not only taking all possible measures to achieve even a partial collection on the whole, but to protect those who carry out the collection tonight. "

immediately identify those responsible. The mayor "has been put into immediate contact with the prosecutor asking Lepore to bring immediate investigation to identify those who perpetrated the act of vandalism." He also made contact with the police "to ensure the highest level because a strong and effective surveillance and protection of all those involved and sensitive sites. "

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Unemployed 8, 5%, by 2003, while the top 28% of young people did not work.
Istat data indicate a 1% increase from a year ago, the worst situation of women in the South.
ROME (23 September) - The unemployment rate in the second quarter of 2010 rose to 8, 5%, it announced the Istat specifying that it is the highest level since the third quarter of 2003. Again with reference to the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate (8.5%) there was an increase of 0.1 tenths of a point over the first quarter and by 1 point over the second quarter of 2009. The institute noted that "in economic terms is an increase slowed down more."
Looking at the non-seasonally adjusted data (unemployment rate 8.3%), is known as the male rate will grow from 6.3% in second quarter 2009 to 7.6%, while the women went from 8.8% to 9.4%. In the north elevation of the indicator (5 to 5.9%) relates to both men and women, in the center, the rate rose to 7.1% (6.7% a year earlier) due to growth for men. In the South, the unemployment rate is 13.4% (11, 9% a year earlier), with a peak of 16.4% for women. In addition, the unemployment rate of foreigners increases for the sixth consecutive time, bringing to 11, 6% (10.9% in the second quarter of 2009).
Unemployment youth (15-24 years) reached 27.9 percent (with a maximum of 40.3 percent for women of the South), peaked in the second quarter of 1999.
In the second quarter of 2010 the number of people seeking employment reached (seasonally adjusted) of 2.136 million units, an increase of 1, 1% versus the first quarter (+24 thousand), compared with the same period last year and an increase of 13.8%. This was communicated by Istat, stating that in absolute values \u200b\u200b(2136000) This is the highest level since second quarter of 2001.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

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"The commitment made by Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, for a quick tour of the South plan with a clear definition of the resources - some 100 billion euro - represents an important commitment." It 'as said in a statement, the President of the Campania Region Stefano Caldoro commenting on statements by the Prime Minister issued by telephone during the first national holiday of' We the South ' Irpinia. The availability of 100 billion euro available to confirm the South "the will of the Prime Minister to have the agenda of government intervention in the South as a strategic issue. What we have asked how the southern regions, for a Noon - added Caldoro - who wants to change and reverse the route pointing to the modernization and quality of services to ensure rigor and quality of spending and services. " "It 's good news - he concluded Caldoro - and now we are ready to work with the Government, and therefore with the whole country and Europe must look to the Mediterranean, to define and choose the great assets development ".

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Sunday, September 19, 2010

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Press in September.

Press the Treviso branch of September.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

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The Network on

TREVISO - A peaceful protest, today, Monday, Sept. 13, the first day of school, against the cuts to public school, who want to pass off as reform, "Gelmini "on the part of ' provincial association" Network students. "
Coordinated by Alberto Irone student last year at Canova, on the gates and walls of all high schools Treviso, but also in the plexus of Lancenigo were banners affixed to call 'attention to what the same Irone described as a "hot autumn". The association, which brings together high school students, promoting the rights, is close to the CGIL, but moves in full autonomy and freedom.
"Today is the first day of autumn will be hot this year as it comes fully into force, the so-called reform Gelmini as we had been presented two years ago. We can not absolutely define reform, but a cut at various addresses that are too unstable to be cut, faculty and staff ata. It is not a reform because it is just a cut funds will be allocated to another and that the state will no longer be able to allocate to the school. We decided to protest in a peaceful way of putting up banners that carry sentences Socrates, Bacon and other famous people of this caliber. "
staked all on the slogan" Knowledge is not merchandise ".
Now how you intend to continue you in this battle? "In the first part of autumn inform students of what it really is the Gelmini reform: no value to school education, but a destruction of what were the attempts of modernization that was leading the reform Minister Giuseppe Fioroni, (executive member of the government led by Romano Prodi, ed.) will try to involve parents to promote, if we succeed, coordination, but also teachers. We maximum cooperation - said the young man - by all those who want to share our goals are the restoration of the 8 billion that the Gelmini cut and you can open the tables of serious consultations to arrive at a true reform school that is not just a cut indiscriminately, but it is a guarantee of development, promotion of strong educational foundation. "
" By the way - adds the provincial coordinator of the Network students "- we must not forget that Italy is the only Western European country that has compulsory education up to 16 years, and is very serious, as to our colleagues in the limit is higher than two years. "
you think this sort of reform is only one way to get money to avoid bankruptcy of the state or conceals some undeclared purpose? "My hope is that this is just to make ends meet bankruptcy of the state, but I sincerely doubt that there will arise many want to get to what he said Calamandrei 'barbarism of a public school in favor of private schools'. We must not forget that this government is, on the other hand encouraging and supporting private schools. The suspect, however, is that you want to further reduce the mass of thinking that is always afraid to certain types of forms of government, it is not trying to give everyone a chance to education. I hope I'm wrong, but in the meantime we will continue to protest. "
also protested the CGIL. He does know the secretary of the FLC CGIL di Treviso, Ermanno Rambaldi that adhere to national protest called by unions led by Guglielmo Epifani. It will strike for two months, from October 1, every 15 days, one hour per day.
"We want to - says the union - the state report degradation caused by cuts in the school. Unfortunately, not enough good will on the part of teachers and staff ata to ensure the quality of education service in the absence of funds. Obviously if you continue to cut up the teaching staff and of course it becomes difficult to provide the same offer training in previous years. If you do not give financial resources it is clear that the training projects do not have the legs to walk, unless the school does not ask your parents and ask them to finance them, which, unfortunately, is already happening. We would like to say to citizens that is not true that there was a reform better, there was a presentation on the school strongly pejorative. "

Author: Laura Tuveri